Thank you for developing a fantastic piece of software.

The trajectory tracking feature is working really well, however when I try to export to xml or odf spreadsheets, I find the x/y coords columns only contain zeros. The time column is correct. Xhtml export works and gives co-ordinate data so I am using that for now.



That is strange. I just tried and it worked for me.
What is the version of OpenOffice or Excel that you are using ? I could only test with Office 2003 and OpenOffice 3.0 and 3.1.

Also, you can try to open the .xml (Excel) file in notepad and try to see if the coords are there.
The data will look mangled, but try to look for something like :
<Cell ss:StyleID="s24"><Data ss:Type="Number">-38.00</Data></Cell>

(bold is a coordinate)
If they are all zero here, then the issue is somewhere else…