1 (edited by volleyscoutman 2023-04-14 23:55:44)


I'm not very expert of use of Kinovea, but I don't find some features that can be interesting, with applicability to part or all video (file or streaming), in case aided also with one or two webcams (or more):

- Track object via multipoint (e.g. identification of a single person specifying head, knee, feet) in order to better the tracking

- Highlight and record change of direction of an object (also in live streaming, specifing position and time of video)

- Artificial Intelligence to recognize object (with the information of video itself; e.g. a ball)

- Count the time that an identified object cross a specified area

- Reconstuction of trajectory of an object coming frontally of one camera (having another camera filming sideviews)

- Estimation of landing point to the floor of an object (using ballistic rules or AI or both)

- Artificial intelligence in order to  identify single person body and assigning a tag in order to track individually

- Auto recognize number or name on shirt (create a tag  to be used for identification relevant tracking data)

- Auto recognize numbers from a scoreboard or jury grade

- Easy search according to codified information (e.g. weightlifter starting movement is identified by  a string  that is connected with a time code: e.g. Athl1S means athlet1 starts (S) the movement of weightlifting) in order to easy select similar actions or properties as a database (from a video file or live streaming) and also deselect manually some ones deemed unuseful.

- Creation of specific space coordinates (for example specifying the perimeter of a court on a floor and specifying height and so on in order to get 3D positioning) 

- Identification of sound (and creation of timelist of this event): e.g. whistle

- Identification of repetitive (similar) movement :maybe selected recording just 2 or 3 second and found by comparison in video or live streaming

-  Easy ipcam management for view or recording

-  Possibility to easy stream to viewer via app or webapp or light application or youtube channel etc ...

- Possibility to track on videostreaming using a positioning sensor connected with kinovea (via wifi, bluetooth or so on), in case it improves tracking (and possibly not with high cost of hardware or wearable)

Thank you in advance for attention and eventual implementation.