joan wrote:

If you want to use both versions at the same time at least one of them should be the "portable" version provided as a zip file. Otherwise they will share the preferences folder and since the format has changed this will cause issues. But I don't think this could cause this kind of issues.

Could you share one of these vertical 4K videos with me? Are they opening in portrait automatically or did you explicitly use the rotation menu? In the second photo are they really zoomed-in or is it just how they would look at 1:1 scale on your screen? (what's the resolution of your screen?)

Link here to a video for you to download. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AoF0dvPSkznVgfxytym … g?e=CSZJle

or https://1drv.ms/v/s!AoF0dvPSkznVgfxzV6X … A?e=prsVF2

The zooming happens after the composite video is exported. It can be rectified in Kinovea. but the exported videos are usually zoomed in and unusable.

Thank you for your help and time


Just FYI Joan - I have uninstalled all versions of Kinovea and then only reinstalled Version 2023.1 and I still have the same issues.

Could it be hardware related in some way?


P1 wrote:

Could it be hardware related in some way?

It sounds more like a software bug. I'll look into it.


I have a question about dragging and dropping a video into the player window. In version 0.9.x, the folder containing the video that was dragged into the window was shown. Now the folder is only displayed in the shortcut window, which is a cool feature. I always found it practical that the file explorer jumps to the corresponding folder.

sessionHistory.Current seems to be allways "Desktop".

Here is a patch file:

--- a/Kinovea.FileBrowser/UserInterface/FileBrowserUserInterface.cs
+++ b/Kinovea.FileBrowser/UserInterface/FileBrowserUserInterface.cs
@@ -383.7 +383.7 @@ namespace Kinovea.FileBrowser
              else if (activeTab == ActiveFileBrowserTab.Explorer && sessionHistory.Current != null)
- etExplorer.ExpandANode(sessionHistory.Current);
+ etExplorer.ExpandANode(path);


Thanks for looking into that! I also noticed it at some point but hadn't had time to investigate.


joan wrote:
P1 wrote:

Could it be hardware related in some way?

It sounds more like a software bug. I'll look into it.

Thank you


Hi Joan - thank you so much for the updates. Some really helpful features.

I had a quick idea/question.

I really like the ability to move key images to different time points. I use markers in most of the work I do in Kinovea, which are then linked to these key images. And it would be really helpful if I were able to click on the markers and have the option to move them to the current time. This option is available when right clicking on the key image boxes above the timeline and I wondered whether it would be possible to do this, but by directly clicking on the marker rather than the key image boxes? Hope that makes sense.

Many thanks again. Kinovea has been such a huge help to my research and applied practice


Yes it should be possible and useful. Probably to be grouped with the "go to key image" menu. Somewhat related to this I recently fixed a bug where copy-pasting objects to a different time wasn't working. Now it will create a new key image and paste the drawing into it. "move to current time" would be equivalent to cut and paste.

Another thing I looked into a while back is the stacking of objects. It would be nice to be able to say "send to the back" / "move to the front", etc. when drawings are overlapping. This is easy with just one image but on video with objects belonging to different frames it's not as trivial.

(By the way I'm currently super busy at work, I won't be making progress on any of this for a bit. But this feedback is very appreciated.).


Hi Joan,

Just a quick update, I've been using 2023.1 for a while now. Exporting single videos with all/any type of annotation and analysis is totally fine (joint angles, split times, zoom, highlights etc...). The only issue I continue to have is exporting the side by sides of any kind, which as discussed above just doesn't work.

Thanks again for the update as by in large 2023.1 is a big step up


New version is up!

I updated the original post with links to 2023.1.1. Here they are again for convenience:


    Kinovea-2023.1.1.exe (installer)
    Kinovea-2023.1.1.zip (self contained archive)

This release is only about fixes and translation updates. This is to keep it as stable as possible. All functional changes go into the next version. Please continue reporting bugs here or in dedicated topics. This version will still receive bug fixes and translation updates until the next version is out.

- Fix end caps on trajectory drawings.
- Fix problem when reading tool preset coming from a different version.
- Fix pasting a drawing to a different time.
- Fix slowness of side-by-side export.
- Fix synchronization between shortcuts and explorer when opening a file.
- Fix update of mini labels of trajectories after a change in the side panel.

Translation updates
- New locale: Croatian.
- The following were updated and are back in the menu: Finnish, Japanese.
- The following were also updated: Russian, Turkish, Korean, Arabic, Polish, Indonesian and German.

Thank you to all involved!

This is the current state of translation:
(If you see your language below but it's not available in the interface it's because the translation is too incomplete, contributions are very welcome, click on the image to go to weblate.).



Updated plugin for Daheng Imaging cameras:

Kinovea.Daheng-1.1.0.zip (Check the first post for correct links).

This should work with Daheng Galaxy SDK/Runtime version 1.14.2305.8151 and superior, including latest versions at the moment of this writing: 1.24.2308.9101 and 2.0.2309.9252.


joan wrote:

New version is up!

I updated the original post with links to 2023.1.1. Here they are again for convenience:


    Kinovea-2023.1.1.exe (installer)
    Kinovea-2023.1.1.zip (self contained archive)

This release is only about fixes and translation updates. This is to keep it as stable as possible. All functional changes go into the next version. Please continue reporting bugs here or in dedicated topics. This version will still receive bug fixes and translation updates until the next version is out.

- Fix end caps on trajectory drawings.
- Fix problem when reading tool preset coming from a different version.
- Fix pasting a drawing to a different time.
- Fix slowness of side-by-side export.
- Fix synchronization between shortcuts and explorer when opening a file.
- Fix update of mini labels of trajectories after a change in the side panel.

Translation updates
- New locale: Croatian.
- The following were updated and are back in the menu: Finnish, Japanese.
- The following were also updated: Russian, Turkish, Korean, Arabic, Polish, Indonesian and German.

Thank you to all involved!

This is the current state of translation:
(If you see your language below but it's not available in the interface it's because the translation is too incomplete, contributions are very welcome, click on the image to go to weblate.).


Amazing stuff Joan, really appreciate your hard work.



I rebuilt the machine vision plugins, they should work in latest Kinovea 2023.1.1.
Updated the first post with the download links.


Update to catch up with translators work. Thank you all!


    Kinovea-2023.1.2.exe (installer)
    Kinovea-2023.1.2.zip (self contained archive)

This release is a translation update. Please continue reporting bugs here or in dedicated topics. This version will still receive bug fixes and translation updates until the next version is out.

Translation updates
- New locale: Chinese traditional.
- The following were also updated: Bulgarian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (simplified).

This is the current state of translation:
(If you see your language below but it's not available in the interface it's because the translation is too incomplete, contributions are very welcome, click on the image to go to weblate.).
