1 (edited by Bernward.Platz Yesterday 10:18:17)


I try to run kineovea 2023.1.2 on Windows Server 2022 with .NET 8.
I get following message after start, kinovea crashes:

Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: An attempt was made to read or write protected memory. This often indicates that other memory is corrupted.
   at ExpTreeLib.ShellDll.StrRetToBuf(IntPtr pstr, IntPtr pidl, StringBuilder pszBuf, Int32 cchBuf)
   at ExpTreeLib.CShItem.SetUpAttributes(IShellFolder folder, IntPtr pidl)
   at ExpTreeLib.CShItem..ctor(IShellFolder folder, IntPtr pidl, CShItem parent)
   at ExpTreeLib.CShItem.GetContents(SHCONTF flags, Boolean IntPtrOnly)
   at ExpTreeLib.CShItem.RefreshDirectories()
   at ExpTreeLib.CShItem.GetDirectories(Boolean doRefresh)
   at ExpTreeLib.ExpTree.OnStartUpDirectoryChanged(StartDir newVal)
   at ExpTreeLib.ExpTree..ctor()
   at Kinovea.FileBrowser.FileBrowserUserInterface.InitializeComponent()
   at Kinovea.FileBrowser.FileBrowserUserInterface..ctor()
   at Kinovea.FileBrowser.FileBrowserKernel..ctor()
   at Kinovea.Root.RootKernel.BuildSubTree()
   at Kinovea.Root.RootKernel..ctor()
   at Kinovea.Root.Program.Main()


Thanks, very interesting. Unfortunately I'm afraid there is not much I can do about this right now but it confirms that the component used in the file explorer is too old for modern Windows and needs to be replaced.