Is there a way to apply the Kinovea xml to an on-line video and play it in a browser? The process flow is:
1) "Coach" downloads on-line mp4. (This is doable now)
2) "Coach" applies Kinvovea magic to mp4. (This is doable now, I think)
3) Kinovea provides the associated xml file for the video which can then be uploaded to a database associate with the video (I think I can figure out the upload if I can get access to the xml files)
4) Some other user accesses the original mp4 on-line through a standard browser (e.g. FireFox) and the on-line application indicates there is "Kinovea inside". If the user clicks that checkbox then the Kinovea overlays play. (So I think what this means is that there needs to be a special browser player to make this all work.)
I can kind of do this now using "Jing" ( but I use it only for grabbing a frame of the video and making an annotated still shot. I'd love to be able to do this with Kinovea and make an annotated video.
Hope this makes sense.