
First of all, great project you got running here!! I haven't yet used your program but this looks really sweet!

I just found this out in my search for more information concerning a video analysis project I've been thinking of for the sport fencing. I would like to built an interface between my camcorder and the scoring device (in fencing, every hit is reported by scoring equipment) to stop the movie once a hit is registered, rewind the recorded movie and play back again in slow motion. The communication between the scoring equipment and the computer will be hand made, I could do this so every hit is registered as a if you press a key on the keyboard.

So my question: I'm a -amateur- programmer myself and I was wondering if there is some sort of control-interface in Kinovea that is necessairy for the idea I sketched above?

If not, maybe someone can give me a clue how to built this thing (if I ever find the time to start on it ;-)).

Thank you very much!



It sounds like a pretty cool project smile
Unfortunately, currently there is not much way to control Kinovea from the outside other than by keyboard/mouse.

Also, this would only be interesting on the live video, and currently the capture screen does not allow to replay the recent history of the live stream at slow motion. (You will be able to browse it manually in 0.8.11 though).

So there is still a long way to go before your project can be implemented, but exposing an interface to the outside world is something that may open many interesting perspectives.

In a related topic, to implement a generic remote control interface, the program will have to expose itself like that to the outside world (on network interface). Maybe the same interface can be used by other programs. In this case, a third party program would simply have to send the right command line on the right socket. That would be nice.