Hi Joan,
first of all the latest version is a great improvement and I am delighted with the bug fixes.
I still get a problem with dual screen operation as follows
1) open 2 capture screens, one screen shows image which can be changed to different resolutions and fps
2) try to set second capture screen (shows black) to a different camera and Kinovea crashes and Windows closes the program so I cannot get a log.
Cameras being used are Logiteck 9000 HD at 640 x 480 at 30fps and a PS3 eye 640 x 480 at 75 frames per second, though I have tried other settings with the same results.
This still happens even if buffer is set to less than 200 MB
Any ideas ?
It all seems very stable and usable with a single screen open and works well with either camera, I was wondering does the program hold one camera setting preference or does it hold a different setting for each capture screen.
Thanks again for a brilliant program