This feature was introduced in version 0.8.16 but hasn't been described so far.
The idea is to have a standard set of drawings loaded automatically each time you open a camera (or video).
This could be useful in a fixed setup, where you can prepare measurements marks, custom grids, etc. and have them loaded as soon as the camera goes live.
How to do it:
- Open a video.
- Add your drawings on the first frame of the video.
- Save the analysis data (-> KVA file).
- Copy this file to the application data directory : %appdata%\Kinovea (You can also open this through "Help > Open log folder").
- Rename the file to "capture.kva". Done.
This will also work for the player screen, the file has to be named "playback.kva". This time the drawings can be anywhere in the video.