I use Kinovea for more then two years now, always with a Sony Handycam and it works great. Today I've tried to connect a IP cam but there are two problems coming up.
1. During streaming (recording and not recording) the video in Kinovea stutters and is about 4 seconds behind. When I watch the same stream at the same time by using the browserstream the video is clear and hasn't got these problems
2. During playback of the recorded video the movie stutters and every time it stutters Kinovea changes the playback speed down. After a few stutters the speed will be around 30%.
Kinovea version: 0.8.15
IP cam: ACTi KCM-5611
Settings cam
Encoder type: MJPEG
Resolution: N1280 x 720
Frame rate: 30 fps
I'm curious if anyone has a solution to this!