I am a regular user of Kinovea for golf self training in my basement. I use also commercial software like cSwing, V1, and tried many others. I really think kinovea is the best solution for me now, with the functionality of two cameras (I use Ps3 for the frame rate) and the delay option. So, thanks to everybody behind this project.
I was really happy with the version 8.21. Today a I tried in a new computer the 8.24 and there are some improvements but two major problems in my opinion.
1) You can not set the desire format for the video as it is in the previous version. The videos are recorded in MP4 but not being readable by Windows Media player, iTunes or cSwing. I think you have to go back to version 8.21 in that regard, being able to choose for instance, AVI format
2) BUG. The issue is that when you apply delay for the live video, in any camera, frame rate, either one or two cameras, and you want to record the delayed video, as was the case with previous versions, you actually record what is happening in front of the camera!! (live, with no delay) and not what your are looking at the software. This is a huge problem for those who like to see in slow motion a previous saved video, but not want to record ALL the swing you do, and just some. Please go back to version 8.21 in this regard too.
Best Regards