
I have two clips, both clips has the same frame rate (120fps). If I save those two files in one video, frame rate drops to 100fps. Why?
If I save only one 120 fps file, frame rate stays at 120 fps.

I have tried 0.8.6 and 0.9.1 versions. Cameras were ELP, GoPro and Sony.

Any ideas?


It's a bug. For some reason there was an explicit test capping the output framerate to 100 fps. I traced it to a specific commit in 0.8.22 but I don't remember why I put it there in the first place. I can't think of any adverse effects of removing this limit at the moment. Should be fixed in the next version.


Ok, thanks for the answer. Waiting for the next version wink


This should now be fixed in version 0.9.2.