1 (edited by joan 2011-02-01 20:57:23)

This is an experimental version : it needs your feedback to improve itself.

The installer is available here: [s]Kinovea.0.8.11[/s]Check 0.8.12 thread

Delay on live
The single highlight this month is the delayed live feature in the capture screen.
You can set a number of seconds to delay the display of the live stream.

Note that the delay can be changed at any time, it doesn't disrupt the video flow. For example you could:
- Watch a scene live, then increase the delay by a few seconds to watch it again.
- Pause the capture, then play with the delay to browse the recent events captured.

The ammount of time you can delay depends on the memory configuration in the Preferences at page Play/Analyze (Until the capture has its own settings page) and the image size of the video source.
Please experiment with it and report what you think smile.

Fixed bugs : 223.
Also, there shouldn't be any more flickering when recording during capture.
However, the recording feature is not ready for serious use yet. The time scale of generated video will usually be wrong.

Snapshot: capture and delay. When the buffer is filled 100%, you can delay all the way to the right.


Thanks for the addition of delayed video stream.  It is essential for me while I train.  It let me instantly review my movements so I can correct them later.  Would it be difficult to implement full screen video? Controls take a lot of screen area and once they are set they are not needed anymore.  Bigger preview screen would help a lot.  Pressing ESC button or any other key could bring normal view.  Just a suggestion...which could improve already great software.


Hi Joan,

i would like to change settings of my camera. (using ps3 eye camera with this driver: http://alexpopovich.wordpress.com/2008/ … indows-os/  ) 

And the greatest thing ever would be the possibility to use this driver : http://codelaboratories.com/research/vi … ltitcamera

I downloaded the SDK but my programming abilities are too poor to do this on my own. Whith the test tool of the multicam driver my 2 cameras are running but i cant run them inside kinovea.

The camera is really great (320*240 @125fps / 640*480 @75fps) and cheap ( 20€).

If you are loooking for a beta tester i would like to volunteer.

Thank you for this great software,



kinoveafan wrote:

The camera is really great (320*240 @125fps / 640*480 @75fps) and cheap ( 20€).

Nice specs for 20€ smile
Settings change should be in the next experimental version. We'll see if it works...

About the camera, what about depth of field? Is the image quality decent when the subject is at a distance of more than a few feets? Also, does it work well outdoors? (Sometimes the cheap captors are tailored for indoor / close range video since the main application is video chat.)


I just sended you an email with 2 examples.  The one that is called stereovision is captured with hypercam i think some pictures got lost during the record.

In the other one (recorded with kinovea)  I used the hardwarezoom. maybe this could help with the depth of field.

I am using kinovea to practise my golf swing. Is it possible to build something like a trigger in kinovea? When I use the software my cameras are static so could it be possible to make something like:

if ( the golfball is gone)

     keep on capturing for one more second
      then playback the last 2 seconds
      and ask if the swing should be saved". ?

6 (edited by kinoveafan 2011-01-24 08:08:52)

An example (640x480 @ 75fps)



The PS3Eye looks like a really promising option, for various reasons mentioned here:

http://codelaboratories.com/research/vi … cal-webcam

I am concerned about the quality of the cheap plastic lens and how much distortion there is across the field of view. A uniform fov is essential for consistent spatial calibration and angle/velocity measurements. Fitting a better quality aftermarket lens might be an option.

The high frame rate works best with manual set up of the capture filter - set the exposure (stare time) as low as possible and the gain up to compensate. This makes the picture a bit noisey but it will be clearer for fast moving objects. On auto settings you get a very nice looking picture but lots of motion blur.

KinoveaFan - are you managing to capture at 75 fps in Kinovea? If so how?
I've managed to do fast capture with the Codelaboratories test application, but in Kinovea it keeps defaulting to 30 fps.

Great work Joan.


Hi Slacker,

since i put the cleye.config file in the kinovea folder it records sometimes with 75fps but only when i record from the delay and when the delay jumps to slowmotion. I think it is a bug but i like it

I am using two cameras with the multicam driver. Because of the amount of data there is no color in the picture. Shouldnt it be faster if a single camera would capture without color ?


kinoveafan wrote:

Is it possible to build something like a trigger in kinovea? When I use the software my cameras are static so could it be possible to make something like:

if ( the golfball is gone)
     keep on capturing for one more second
      then playback the last 2 seconds
      and ask if the swing should be saved". ?

Well, I'm open to this sort of stuff but so far all the implementations I have seen of this were pretty confusing in my opinion (in term of user experience / user interface). I certainly wouldn't want the casual user to have to think about how much preroll he needs to account for or force him to think in terms of predefined recording scenario…

With image size of the like of 640×480, you should have a pretty large buffer. If you can slide the delay to 30 seconds or something, that should leave you time to do the swing, go back to the computer and start recording. (You record what is currently displayed on screen, not the live)

10 (edited by joan 2011-01-25 11:09:23)

The framerate switcher will be in the next version. Hopefully the release will be on february 1st, if I can squeeze a few more bugfixes in.

With the current version, it will always take the first configuration that the camera driver exposes.
About the delay jump to slow motion, are you referring to playback or recording ?


during the delay the tempo is sometimes faster and sometimes slower. the recordings are as they were when recorded.
my delay only goes up to 9 or ten seconds. could it be that if the camera sends @75 fps that there is too much data?
is the buffer on harddisk or in my ram?


One extremely powerful tool for when I am capturing from a camera would be a pre-roll setting. For example, 8 seconds record with a 7 seconds pre-roll would be valuable for long jump coaching because i could record on landing and retrospectively the previous 6 seconds would be recalled to a chosen file. dartfish offers this but I cannot see if this exists yet on kinovea.