16 (edited by Alexander 2011-03-01 13:19:08)

"...But there is a convergence between this and the blending mode. And it will be confusing to have two completely different tool serving the same purpose.
This will need to be thought over to see what can be done.

Maybe when the "aligned merge" function is in place the blending mode can be removed completely, and the image tool enhanced to allow for "Send video to the other screen", where instead of overlaying the video on top of the other at 50% opacity, we put it in a small - resizable insert. (In that case you'd have to keep both screens open)…"

Actually there is a "coaching" difference between a picture sequence on top of a video or a combined video. As a coach I try to investigate a certain pose (single frame) of a performance, at the same time both comparing it to another picture and looking for reason/solutions in a sequence that lead to this particular move. It is like looking at a freeze and moving picture at the same time...My head fills out the lacking frames smile

17 (edited by joan 2011-03-01 14:20:27)

Say I have two videos in sync and added such a "video" insert tool.
- I can press play on common controls : both the main video and the insert play in sync.
- I can pause the main video and browse the second one : I stay on the same frame of the main video while the insert is animated.
(Maybe the insert itself can have small frame by frame controls to go back and forth.)

Second scenario is what you describe, right ?
With this type of tool, I don't see how the blend mode (overlaying on the full image) could be of any use (anything it does could be emulated with this).

Oh maybe you meant to create several image insert on a single frame of the other video ?


Yes and yes that´s what I meant wink . The second scenario would be closer BUT still there is a slight difference. If I am to "document" the error or technical flaw in a single picture to be handed to the athlete, a sequence+poseframe tells more. And you are right: the blending tool is good, but also requires very clear backgrounds not to blur up the details. Do I make any sense?


Alexander wrote:

The new quick picture insert and send function in 8.13 is great! Would it be possible to give the image a"persistence-setting" for insertion in a dynamic video?

Yes- that we be good for many likely usages where the comparision is of a particular part of a skill. The same would true if there could be persistence of a zoomed insert currently - setup - backswing with zoom of hands on handle - end of persistence for downswing then pause at key image with zoom insert of ball taking the edge - insert fades as clip follows backswing...