
I posted a bug report (http://www.kinovea.org/bugs/view.php?id=289) while I was waiting for posting access to the forum.

I'm hoping to use files from an HD camera for analysis in Kinovea.  So far, I can only find SD cameras that work.  HD cameras (that are still being manufactured) are mostly using AVCHD files, and that format does funny things with frame progression in Kinovea.

Is anyone using an HD camera (not discontinued--I need to buy several!) that plays nicely with Kinovea?



I have been using a non-branded HD-camera from Chinavasion and had no issues? Very good quality on both video and camera. Not too expensive either.


@Alexander, what file format does your camera create?  Have you ever looked at the "position" marker during playback? 

My problem is not with the playback, itself, but that the frame counter jumps around.  The video progresses properly, but the frame counter goes back and forth (2 forward, 4 forward, 8 back, etc)--not good when trying to count frames between two events.