Hi all,
So Im using the 'track path' to track a single object (purple dot).
I right click, start 'track path'. Then I advance the frames until the dot stops moving. Then I 'end path tracking'.
Heres the issue:
1) When I export to spreadsheet I get x,y and time(with frame number).
2) When I simply look at the video again on Kinovea with the tracking line, and the displacement label showing, the displacement label shows a different displacement.
The only thing I can think of is that the exported data measures displacement points referenced from the initial frame (where the tracking started), and possibly, the displayed label measures displacement as an interframe displacement.
Heres an example:
looking at the displacement label at then end of the path (frame 27305): d=905.35 pix
looking at the displacement on the exported spread sheet(frame 27305) : d=881.4 pix
Whats going on?