If I need others versions, someone have all versions?
What versions are you referring to ? Older experimental versions ?
Currently the only supported versions are 0.8.15 and 0.8.21.
I guess that do not need other version, but as I do not obtain the real value of that coordinate system, I need to discover which the version that digitized the video (reported in bugs and support).
For example, I put these data in last version (.21), but these datas did not assume the new coordinate system.
Do you understand my question?
Thank you for your attention.
I answered in the other thread. I think the best course of action is to make sure new versions understands the old format.
Normally I try to have conversion routines each time the format changes so that an older file can be incrementally upgraded to the newer format. If it doesn't work it's a bug that will need to be fixed.