Hi, I was curious if there was a list of keyboard shortcuts that was available and what there features are?  I want to have audio triggering of a recording and since the feature is not yet implemented I was hoping to build a hardware module, (arduino with audio sensor with the USB hid library to simulate capture shortcut, combined with live stream delay feature) that would allow for the feature to exist.

Thanks much


You can get to the list of shortcuts from menu Options > Preferences… > Keyboard.
However it is very much tied to the user interface, it would be quite contrived to pull it off this way.

What would be required is a more generic triggering mechanism to start and stop recording, with various "sources" for the trigger. Sources might be a keyboard shortcut, a timer firing, an audio threshold, a TCP packet, etc.


It may seem contrived, but it does indeed function.  So if nothing else, I have a convenient way to trigger recording, stop recording, playback, etc from foot switches (need to build up the mic amp still).
