Hi Kinovea team,
all of a sudden Kinovea refuses to start on a Win i7 Laptop 64bit. (Did work before)
(Kinovea 0.8.15)
OS: Win 7 pro

here is the crash log:
Message: Das Konfigurationssystem konnte nicht initialisiert werden.
Source: System.Configuration
Target site: Void OnConfigRemoved(System.Object, System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigEventArgs)
InnerException: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Das Stammelement ist nicht vorhanden. (C:\Users\Rohloff\AppData\Local\Kinovea\Kinovea.exe_Url_agcfeswnwwpdoul1ihhwyulj02lzin4f\\user.config) ---> System.Xml.XmlException: Das Stammelement ist nicht vorhanden.
   bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo(String res)
   bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
   bei System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   bei System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read()
   bei System.Configuration.XmlUtil..ctor(Stream stream, String name, Boolean readToFirstElement, ConfigurationSchemaErrors schemaErrors)
   bei System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.InitConfigFromFile()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors.ThrowIfErrors(Boolean ignoreLocal)
   bei System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.ThrowIfParseErrors(ConfigurationSchemaErrors schemaErrors)
   bei System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.ThrowIfInitErrors()
   bei System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.OnConfigRemoved(Object sender, InternalConfigEventArgs e)
Stack:    bei System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.OnConfigRemoved(Object sender, InternalConfigEventArgs e)
   bei System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigRoot.OnConfigRemoved(InternalConfigEventArgs e)
   bei System.Configuration.Internal.InternalConfigRoot.RemoveConfigImpl(String configPath, BaseConfigurationRecord configRecord)
   bei System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSectionRecursive(String configKey, Boolean getLkg, Boolean checkPermission, Boolean getRuntimeObject, Boolean requestIsHere, Object& result, Object& resultRuntimeObject)
   bei System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSection(String configKey, Boolean getLkg, Boolean checkPermission)
   bei System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSection(String configKey)
   bei System.Configuration.ClientConfigurationSystem.System.Configuration.Internal.IInternalConfigSystem.GetSection(String sectionName)
   bei System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection(String sectionName)
   bei System.Configuration.ClientSettingsStore.ReadSettings(String sectionName, Boolean isUserScoped)
   bei System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.GetPropertyValues(SettingsContext context, SettingsPropertyCollection properties)
   bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.GetPropertiesFromProvider(SettingsProvider provider)
   bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.SetPropertyValueByName(String propertyName, Object propertyValue)
   bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.set_Item(String propertyName, Object value)
   bei System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.set_Item(String propertyName, Object value)
   bei Kinovea.Services.PreferencesManager.set_ReleaseVersion(String value)
   bei Kinovea.Root.RootKernel..ctor()
   bei Kinovea.Root.Program.Main()

Unfortunately i cannot switch to a experimental Version of Kinovea
because the kamera only works in 0.8.15 (IDS U-eye)

Any Suggestions are most welcome.


I already tried to de and reinstall Kinovea... no luck ;-(


Thanks for the report, it's quite a weird error.

Try to check

You should be able to delete user.config and even the entire AppData\Local\Kinovea directory and restart Kinovea.
This thing is created automatically by Windows and it might not be removed during uninstallation. If you try to uninstall/re-install make sure it's gone.

Unfortunately i cannot switch to a experimental Version of Kinovea
because the kamera only works in 0.8.15 (IDS U-eye)

Wait, that's new. There might have been an experimental version where I inadvertently left code to ignore the IDS cameras in the DirectShow filter while I experimented with native support, but I just checked the code and there is no "ignore" left, so the general purpose camera module should support your camera just like 0.8.15 did.

Can you locate anything about your camera in the general log.txt in 0.8.25?


Hi Joan, Thanks for your reply.
I downloaded a fresh copy of the 0.8.25 x64 Version and installed it on my HP Pro Book (i5 64bit Win 10 pro) a few minutes ago.
This is not the Laptop i mentioned above!

After install, I selected the IDS Camera but the recording screen only shows a black rectangle.
klicking the record Button causes a crash.

Then i tried the same in 0.8.15 where everything works fine on the same Laptop.

This is not the Laptop where i had the immediate crash after starting Kinovea (see above post), it is just my testlaptop.

Unhandled Crash - f856251c-3b1e-4ed1-946e-5b594b481b00.txt:

Message: Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.
Source: System.Windows.Forms
Target site: Boolean DeactivateActCtx(Int32, IntPtr)
Stack:    bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.DeactivateActCtx(Int32 dwFlags, IntPtr lpCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.Deactivate(IntPtr userCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   bei Kinovea.Root.RootKernel.Launch()
   bei Kinovea.Root.Program.Main()
214 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - Kinovea version : 0.8.15, (Experimental)
223 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - .NET Framework Version : 2.0.50727.8745
223 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - OS Version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
223 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - Primary Screen : {Width=1600, Height=900}
223 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - Virtual Screen : {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=900}
17980 - ERROR - [@device:pnp:\\?\root#image#0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global] - FrameGrabberAForge - Capture error: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
18953 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Error while painting image.
18953 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Ungültiger Parameter.
19048 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture -    bei System.Drawing.Image.get_Width()
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.FlushOnGraphics(Bitmap _image, Graphics _canvas, Size _outputSize)
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.Draw(Graphics _canvas)
19092 - ERROR - [@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}] - FrameGrabberAForge - Capture error: Das COM-Objekt des Typs "System.__ComObject" kann nicht in den Schnittstellentyp "AForge.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig" umgewandelt werden. Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht durchgeführt werden, da der QueryInterface-Aufruf an die COM-Komponente für die Schnittstelle mit der IID "{C6E13340-30AC-11D0-A18C-00A0C9118956}" aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht durchgeführt werden konnte: Schnittstelle nicht unterstützt (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
38334 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Error while painting image.
38334 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Ungültiger Parameter.
38334 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture -    bei System.Drawing.Image.get_Width()
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.FlushOnGraphics(Bitmap _image, Graphics _canvas, Size _outputSize)
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.Draw(Graphics _canvas)
40657 - ERROR - [@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}] - FrameGrabberAForge - Capture error: Das COM-Objekt des Typs "System.__ComObject" kann nicht in den Schnittstellentyp "AForge.Video.DirectShow.Internals.IAMStreamConfig" umgewandelt werden. Dieser Vorgang konnte nicht durchgeführt werden, da der QueryInterface-Aufruf an die COM-Komponente für die Schnittstelle mit der IID "{C6E13340-30AC-11D0-A18C-00A0C9118956}" aufgrund des folgenden Fehlers nicht durchgeführt werden konnte: Schnittstelle nicht unterstützt (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
46072 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Error while painting image.
46072 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Ungültiger Parameter.
46073 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture -    bei System.Drawing.Image.get_Width()
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.FlushOnGraphics(Bitmap _image, Graphics _canvas, Size _outputSize)
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.Draw(Graphics _canvas)
49788 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Error while painting image.
49789 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Ungültiger Parameter.
49789 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture -    bei System.Drawing.Image.get_Width()
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.FlushOnGraphics(Bitmap _image, Graphics _canvas, Size _outputSize)
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.Draw(Graphics _canvas)
76748 - ERROR - [@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}] - FrameGrabberAForge - Capture error: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
233 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
259 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - 2016-12-07 14:42:26
266 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Kinovea 0.8.25, x64.
266 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
266 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - .NET Framework 2.0.50727.8745
266 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
266 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Application level initialisations.
268 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Showing SplashScreen.
373 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Importing preferences.
912 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderBitmap : .jpg; .jpeg; .png; .bmp
916 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderFFMpeg : .3gp; .asf; .avi; .dv; .flv; .f4v; .m1v; .m2p; .m2t; .m2ts; .mts; .m2v; .m4v; .ts; .ts1; .ts2; .avr; .mkv; .mod; .mov; .moov; .mpg; .mpeg; .tod; .mxf; .mp4; .mpv; .ogg; .ogm; .ogv; .qt; .rm; .swf; .vob; .webm; .wmv; *
916 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderGIF : .gif
916 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSVG : .svg
917 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSynthetic : .ksv
976 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerBasler - Basler Camera subsystem not available. System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "PylonC.NET.Pylon" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.Exception: Environment variable PYLONC_ROOT not found. Install the pylon C Runtime.
   bei PylonC.NET.Bootstrapper.Initialize()
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon..cctor()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon.Initialize()
   bei Kinovea.Camera.Basler.CameraManagerBasler.SanityCheck()
976 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Basler camera manager failed sanity check.
979 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized DirectShow camera manager.
981 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized Camera simulator camera manager.
983 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized IP Camera camera manager.
1081 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Building the modules tree.
1429 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerKernel - Module Construction : ScreenManager.
1453 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1463 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1488 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface.
1530 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Modules tree built.
1531 - DEBUG - [Main] - KinoveaMainWindow - Create main UI window.
1548 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows).
1586 - DEBUG - [Main] - LanguageManager - Using new Serbian culture codes. (i.e: sr-Cyrl-RS).
1681 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Register global services offered at Root level.
1681 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Setting current ui culture.
1683 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Reload localized strings for the whole tree.
1710 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Whole tree culture reloaded.
1710 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Closing splash screen.
1713 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Launching.
1722 - ERROR - [Main] - RecoveryManager - Recovery data were found but the referenced file couldn't be found.
1722 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Calling Application.Run() to boot up the UI.
1837 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - In ScreenManager OnLoad
1866 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
1930 - DEBUG - [Main] - FileBrowserUserInterface - Application is idle in FileBrowserUserInterface.
2866 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: ArcSoft Webcam Sharing Manager (moniker:@device:pnp:\\?\root#image#0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global).
2866 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: HP HD Webcam [Fixed] (moniker:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_1bcf&pid_2c2a&mi_00#7&2fe1f207&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global).
2866 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: UI122xLE-C_4103063704 (moniker:@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}).
5917 - DEBUG - [ArcSoft Webcam Sharing Manager thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting ArcSoft Webcam Sharing Manager for thumbnail.
5951 - DEBUG - [HP HD Webcam [Fixed] thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting HP HD Webcam [Fixed] for thumbnail.
5951 - DEBUG - [UI122xLE-C_4103063704 thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting UI122xLE-C_4103063704 for thumbnail.
17779 - DEBUG - [Main] - CaptureScreen - Constructing a CaptureScreen.
17921 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -179224996
17921 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:-179224996.
17924 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Constructing new Metadata object.
17978 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
18364 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
18369 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
18373 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
18378 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
22528 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
27766 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
27822 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
27824 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
27828 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
29683 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
30132 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
30135 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
30135 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
30139 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
265739 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
265744 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
265744 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
265748 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
280974 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
281416 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
281420 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
281420 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
281424 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
292305 - DEBUG - [Main] - MJPEGWriter - Setting up the encoder.
293673 - DEBUG - [ConsumerMJPEGRecorder] - MJPEGWriter - Closing the saving context.
293675 - DEBUG - [ConsumerMJPEGRecorder] - MJPEGWriter - Saving video completed.
293693 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
302816 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
302845 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
302845 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
302849 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
302947 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
303301 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
303306 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
303306 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
303309 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device HP HD Webcam [Fixed].
312461 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
312465 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
312466 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device HP HD Webcam [Fixed].
312600 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - HP HD Webcam [Fixed] stopped.
312686 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
313062 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
313068 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
313068 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
313072 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
318108 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
318113 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
318113 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
318117 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
321053 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
321488 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
321493 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
321493 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
321497 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
337866 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Root is closing. Call close on all sub modules.
337868 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
337872 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
337872 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
337877 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
338062 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
338126 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - ----------------- Unhandled Crash -------------------------
338126 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Message: Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.
338126 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Source: System.Windows.Forms
338126 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Target site: Boolean DeactivateActCtx(Int32, IntPtr)
338126 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - InnerException:
338126 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Stack:    bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.DeactivateActCtx(Int32 dwFlags, IntPtr lpCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.Deactivate(IntPtr userCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   bei Kinovea.Root.RootKernel.Launch()
   bei Kinovea.Root.Program.Main()
311 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
340 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - 2016-12-07 14:48:20
349 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Kinovea 0.8.25, x64.
349 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
349 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - .NET Framework 2.0.50727.8745
349 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
349 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Application level initialisations.
351 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Showing SplashScreen.
471 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Importing preferences.
635 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderBitmap : .jpg; .jpeg; .png; .bmp
643 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderFFMpeg : .3gp; .asf; .avi; .dv; .flv; .f4v; .m1v; .m2p; .m2t; .m2ts; .mts; .m2v; .m4v; .ts; .ts1; .ts2; .avr; .mkv; .mod; .mov; .moov; .mpg; .mpeg; .tod; .mxf; .mp4; .mpv; .ogg; .ogm; .ogv; .qt; .rm; .swf; .vob; .webm; .wmv; *
643 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderGIF : .gif
644 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSVG : .svg
644 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSynthetic : .ksv
742 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerBasler - Basler Camera subsystem not available. System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "PylonC.NET.Pylon" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.Exception: Environment variable PYLONC_ROOT not found. Install the pylon C Runtime.
   bei PylonC.NET.Bootstrapper.Initialize()
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon..cctor()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon.Initialize()
   bei Kinovea.Camera.Basler.CameraManagerBasler.SanityCheck()
742 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Basler camera manager failed sanity check.
747 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized DirectShow camera manager.
750 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized Camera simulator camera manager.
752 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized IP Camera camera manager.
881 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Building the modules tree.
1315 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerKernel - Module Construction : ScreenManager.
1347 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1359 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1393 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface.
1451 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Modules tree built.
1452 - DEBUG - [Main] - KinoveaMainWindow - Create main UI window.
1474 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows).
1522 - DEBUG - [Main] - LanguageManager - Using new Serbian culture codes. (i.e: sr-Cyrl-RS).
1647 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Register global services offered at Root level.
1648 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Setting current ui culture.
1651 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Reload localized strings for the whole tree.
1683 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Whole tree culture reloaded.
1683 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Closing splash screen.
1687 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Launching.
1695 - ERROR - [Main] - RecoveryManager - Recovery data were found but the referenced file couldn't be found.
1696 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Calling Application.Run() to boot up the UI.
1759 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - In ScreenManager OnLoad
1784 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
1843 - DEBUG - [Main] - FileBrowserUserInterface - Application is idle in FileBrowserUserInterface.
2793 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: ArcSoft Webcam Sharing Manager (moniker:@device:pnp:\\?\root#image#0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global).
2793 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: HP HD Webcam [Fixed] (moniker:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_1bcf&pid_2c2a&mi_00#7&2fe1f207&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global).
2799 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: UI122xLE-C_4103063704 (moniker:@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}).
2828 - DEBUG - [ArcSoft Webcam Sharing Manager thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting ArcSoft Webcam Sharing Manager for thumbnail.
2852 - DEBUG - [HP HD Webcam [Fixed] thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting HP HD Webcam [Fixed] for thumbnail.
2855 - DEBUG - [UI122xLE-C_4103063704 thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting UI122xLE-C_4103063704 for thumbnail.
12598 - DEBUG - [Main] - CaptureScreen - Constructing a CaptureScreen.
12744 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -179224996
12744 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:-179224996.
12747 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Constructing new Metadata object.
12786 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
13149 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
13154 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
13157 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
13161 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
23646 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
23653 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
23654 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
23657 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
28199 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
28663 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
28667 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
28668 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
28672 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
74356 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74371 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74379 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74384 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74389 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74394 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74406 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
74420 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
75777 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
81525 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreen - Constructing a PlayerScreen.
81537 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreenUserInterface - Constructing the PlayerScreen user interface.
81539 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -179224996
81539 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:-179224996.
81540 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Constructing new Metadata object.
82226 - ERROR - [Main] - Viewport - Ungültiger Parameter.
86025 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
86030 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
86030 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
86033 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
88552 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
88778 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
88780 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
88781 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
88783 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
97304 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
100980 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
107175 - DEBUG - [Main] - MJPEGWriter - Setting up the encoder.
108894 - DEBUG - [ConsumerMJPEGRecorder] - MJPEGWriter - Closing the saving context.
108896 - DEBUG - [ConsumerMJPEGRecorder] - MJPEGWriter - Saving video completed.
108928 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
111880 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Dirty:False, reference hash:-179224996, current:-179224996.
111884 - DEBUG - [Main] - LoaderVideo - Loading video C:\Users\fritzsche\Documents\Kinovea\2016\201612\20161207\20161207-145007.mp4.
111960 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
111961 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
111961 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
111962 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
111963 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
111967 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - ---------------------------------------------------
111967 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [File] - Filename : 20161207-145007.mp4
111967 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Container] - Name: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 (QuickTime / MOV)
111967 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Container] - Number of streams: 1
111967 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Stream] #0, Type : AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, 53
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Container] - Duration (s): 1,767
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Container] - Bit rate: 1294048
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Stream] - Duration (frames): 53
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Stream] - PTS wrap bits: 64
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Stream] - TimeBase: 15360:1
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Stream] - Average timestamps per seconds: 15360
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Container] - Start time (µs): 0
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Container] - Start timestamp: 0
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - Name: , id:8
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - TimeBase: 15360:1
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - Bit rate: 1290720
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Duration in timestamps: 27141
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Duration in seconds (computed): 1,7669921875
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps: 30
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Frame Interval (ms): 33,3333333333333
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Timestamps per frame: 512
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - Has B Frames: 0
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - Width (pixels): 640
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - Height (pixels): 480
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - [Codec] - Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1
111968 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - ---------------------------------------------------
112134 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -1718615845
112134 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:-1718615845.
112134 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameServerPlayer - Setup metadata.
112148 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -1718615845
112148 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:-1718615845.
112148 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -1718615845
112148 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosaver started.
112882 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
112936 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreenUserInterface - Post load event.
112937 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> PreBuffering
112939 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Starting prebuffering thread.
112941 - DEBUG - [PreBuffering] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - PreBuffering thread started.
113047 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Update working zone request. [0 --> 26629] to [0 --> 26629]. Force reload:True
113048 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Working zone update. Current:[0 --> 26629], Asked:[0 --> 26629]
113049 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Just entering the cached mode, import everything.
113049 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. PreBuffering -> Caching
113050 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Stopping prebuffering thread.
113051 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreBuffer - Unblocking prebuffering thread and making room for a non blocking addition.
113052 - DEBUG - [PreBuffering] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - PreBuffering thread, cancellation detected.
113052 - DEBUG - [PreBuffering] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Exiting PreBuffering thread.
113057 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - New frames to cache needed:[0 --> 26629]
113089 - DEBUG - [CacheFilling] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Caching section [0 --> 26629], prepend:False
113182 - DEBUG - [CacheFilling] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. Caching -> PreBuffering
113190 - DEBUG - [CacheFilling] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Starting prebuffering thread.
113190 - DEBUG - [PreBuffering] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - PreBuffering thread started.
113209 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Already decoding at the right size.
113261 - DEBUG - [Main] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Already decoding at the right size.
114613 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosaver stopped
115803 - DEBUG - [PreBuffering] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average prebuffering loop time: 1.227ms. (interval: 33.333ms).
116365 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosaver started.
116366 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreenUserInterface - Rendering drops ratio: 0.00
116366 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreenUserInterface - Average rendering loop time: 4.011ms
116366 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosaver stopped
117554 - DEBUG - [PreBuffering] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average prebuffering loop time: 1.132ms. (interval: 33.333ms).
117663 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosaver started.
117663 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreenUserInterface - Rendering drops ratio: 0.00
117663 - DEBUG - [Main] - PlayerScreenUserInterface - Average rendering loop time: 4.310ms
117665 - DEBUG - [Main] - MessageToaster - Toasting message: Pause
Nevertheless I'll give it a try on two other Laptops, one of them is the one from the first post and report the
results here.



Hi Joan, good News:
Deleting C:\Users\Rohloff\AppData\Local\Kinovea\Kinovea.exe_Url_agcfeswnwwpdoul1ihhwyulj02lzin4f\\user.config
worked like a charm.
Thanks a ton.


Hi Joan,
Here is the Log of my other Laptop (msi - I5 -Win 10 pro - u-eye) Kinovea 0.8.25 experimental (fresh install - first run)
first the unhandled Crash log:
Message: Eine externe Komponente hat eine Ausnahme ausgelöst.
Source: System.Windows.Forms
Target site: Boolean DeactivateActCtx(Int32, IntPtr)
Stack:    bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.DeactivateActCtx(Int32 dwFlags, IntPtr lpCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.Deactivate(IntPtr userCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   bei Kinovea.Root.RootKernel.Launch()
   bei Kinovea.Root.Program.Main()
And here comes the regular logfile:

131 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - Kinovea version : 0.8.15, (Experimental)
147 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - .NET Framework Version : 2.0.50727.8689
147 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - OS Version : Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
147 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - Primary Screen : {Width=1920, Height=1080}
147 - INFO  - [1] - RootKernel - Virtual Screen : {X=0,Y=0,Width=1920,Height=1080}
100674 - ERROR - [@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_5986&pid_014c&mi_00#7&4c51fb9&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global] - FrameGrabberAForge - Capture error: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
1624958 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Error while painting image.
1624958 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture - Ungültiger Parameter.
1624976 - ERROR - [1] - FrameServerCapture -    bei System.Drawing.Image.get_Width()
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.FlushOnGraphics(Bitmap _image, Graphics _canvas, Size _outputSize)
   bei Kinovea.ScreenManager.FrameServerCapture.Draw(Graphics _canvas)
1837207 - ERROR - [@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_5986&pid_014c&mi_00#7&4c51fb9&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global] - FrameGrabberAForge - Capture error: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
253 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
269 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - 2016-12-09 11:35:12
269 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Kinovea 0.8.25, x64.
269 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
269 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - .NET Framework 2.0.50727.8745
269 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
269 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Application level initialisations.
284 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Showing SplashScreen.
400 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Importing preferences.
569 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderBitmap : .jpg; .jpeg; .png; .bmp
569 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderFFMpeg : .3gp; .asf; .avi; .dv; .flv; .f4v; .m1v; .m2p; .m2t; .m2ts; .mts; .m2v; .m4v; .ts; .ts1; .ts2; .avr; .mkv; .mod; .mov; .moov; .mpg; .mpeg; .tod; .mxf; .mp4; .mpv; .ogg; .ogm; .ogv; .qt; .rm; .swf; .vob; .webm; .wmv; *
569 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderGIF : .gif
569 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSVG : .svg
569 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSynthetic : .ksv
638 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerBasler - Basler Camera subsystem not available. System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "PylonC.NET.Pylon" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.Exception: Environment variable PYLONC_ROOT not found. Install the pylon C Runtime.
   bei PylonC.NET.Bootstrapper.Initialize()
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon..cctor()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon.Initialize()
   bei Kinovea.Camera.Basler.CameraManagerBasler.SanityCheck()
638 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Basler camera manager failed sanity check.
654 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized DirectShow camera manager.
654 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized Camera simulator camera manager.
654 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized IP Camera camera manager.
753 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Building the modules tree.
1070 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerKernel - Module Construction : ScreenManager.
1085 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1085 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1101 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface.
1139 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Modules tree built.
1139 - DEBUG - [Main] - KinoveaMainWindow - Create main UI window.
1154 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows).
1185 - DEBUG - [Main] - LanguageManager - Using new Serbian culture codes. (i.e: sr-Cyrl-RS).
1270 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Register global services offered at Root level.
1270 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Setting current ui culture.
1270 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Reload localized strings for the whole tree.
1301 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Whole tree culture reloaded.
1301 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Closing splash screen.
1301 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Launching.
1317 - ERROR - [Main] - RecoveryManager - Recovery data were found but the referenced file couldn't be found.
1317 - ERROR - [Main] - RecoveryManager - Recovery data were found but the referenced file couldn't be found.
1317 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Calling Application.Run() to boot up the UI.
1386 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - In ScreenManager OnLoad
1402 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
1455 - DEBUG - [Main] - FileBrowserUserInterface - Application is idle in FileBrowserUserInterface.
1671 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
1671 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
1671 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
1671 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
1671 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
1718 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [9] completed. Final position:[12]
1718 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [18] completed. Final position:[21]
1740 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [27] completed. Final position:[30]
1740 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [36] completed. Final position:[39]
1740 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
1787 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Subtitle stream found, but not analysis meta data: ignored.
1787 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: Codec timebase.
1787 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
1787 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
1787 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
1787 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
1803 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [820] completed. Final position:[1200]
1818 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [1640] completed. Final position:[1900]
1836 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [2460] completed. Final position:[2700]
1840 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [3280] completed. Final position:[3500]
1840 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
1872 - ERROR - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Duration info not found.
10835 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Root is closing. Call close on all sub modules.
10835 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
10867 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
10867 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
10867 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
10867 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
10867 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
183 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
205 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - 2016-12-09 11:44:41
205 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Kinovea 0.8.25, x64.
205 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
205 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - .NET Framework 2.0.50727.8745
205 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
205 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Application level initialisations.
205 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Showing SplashScreen.
283 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Importing preferences.
368 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderBitmap : .jpg; .jpeg; .png; .bmp
368 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderFFMpeg : .3gp; .asf; .avi; .dv; .flv; .f4v; .m1v; .m2p; .m2t; .m2ts; .mts; .m2v; .m4v; .ts; .ts1; .ts2; .avr; .mkv; .mod; .mov; .moov; .mpg; .mpeg; .tod; .mxf; .mp4; .mpv; .ogg; .ogm; .ogv; .qt; .rm; .swf; .vob; .webm; .wmv; *
368 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderGIF : .gif
368 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSVG : .svg
368 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSynthetic : .ksv
421 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerBasler - Basler Camera subsystem not available. System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "PylonC.NET.Pylon" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.Exception: Environment variable PYLONC_ROOT not found. Install the pylon C Runtime.
   bei PylonC.NET.Bootstrapper.Initialize()
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon..cctor()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon.Initialize()
   bei Kinovea.Camera.Basler.CameraManagerBasler.SanityCheck()
421 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Basler camera manager failed sanity check.
437 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized DirectShow camera manager.
437 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized Camera simulator camera manager.
437 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized IP Camera camera manager.
521 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Building the modules tree.
838 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerKernel - Module Construction : ScreenManager.
853 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
869 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
885 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface.
907 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Modules tree built.
907 - DEBUG - [Main] - KinoveaMainWindow - Create main UI window.
922 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows).
954 - DEBUG - [Main] - LanguageManager - Using new Serbian culture codes. (i.e: sr-Cyrl-RS).
1038 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Register global services offered at Root level.
1038 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Setting current ui culture.
1038 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Reload localized strings for the whole tree.
1069 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Whole tree culture reloaded.
1069 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Closing splash screen.
1069 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Launching.
1069 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Calling Application.Run() to boot up the UI.
1154 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - In ScreenManager OnLoad
1185 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
1238 - DEBUG - [Main] - FileBrowserUserInterface - Application is idle in FileBrowserUserInterface.
1439 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
1439 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
1439 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
1454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
1454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
1470 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [9] completed. Final position:[12]
1486 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [18] completed. Final position:[21]
1486 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [27] completed. Final position:[30]
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [36] completed. Final position:[39]
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Subtitle stream found, but not analysis meta data: ignored.
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: Codec timebase.
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
1508 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
1539 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [820] completed. Final position:[1200]
1539 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [1640] completed. Final position:[1900]
1555 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [2460] completed. Final position:[2700]
1570 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [3280] completed. Final position:[3500]
1570 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
1608 - ERROR - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Duration info not found.
2171 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: UI122xLE-C_4103063704 (moniker:@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}).
5258 - DEBUG - [UI122xLE-C_4103063704 thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting UI122xLE-C_4103063704 for thumbnail.
14609 - DEBUG - [Main] - CaptureScreen - Constructing a CaptureScreen.
14777 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - -179224996
14777 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:-179224996.
14777 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Constructing new Metadata object.
14812 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
15080 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
15085 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
15089 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
15092 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
30256 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
31529 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
39043 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
75733 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
84479 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Root is closing. Call close on all sub modules.
84484 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
84487 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
84488 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UI122xLE-C_4103063704.
84490 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UI122xLE-C_4103063704 stopped.
84537 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
84568 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - ----------------- Unhandled Crash -------------------------
84568 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Message: Eine externe Komponente hat eine Ausnahme ausgelöst.
84568 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Source: System.Windows.Forms
84568 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Target site: Boolean DeactivateActCtx(Int32, IntPtr)
84568 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - InnerException:
84568 - ERROR - [Main] - Program - Stack:    bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.DeactivateActCtx(Int32 dwFlags, IntPtr lpCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.ThemingScope.Deactivate(IntPtr userCookie)
   bei System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
   bei Kinovea.Root.RootKernel.Launch()
   bei Kinovea.Root.Program.Main()
146 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
162 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - 2016-12-09 11:47:10
162 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Kinovea 0.8.25, x64.
162 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
162 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - .NET Framework 2.0.50727.8745
162 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
162 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Application level initialisations.
162 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Showing SplashScreen.
215 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Importing preferences.
284 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderBitmap : .jpg; .jpeg; .png; .bmp
284 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderFFMpeg : .3gp; .asf; .avi; .dv; .flv; .f4v; .m1v; .m2p; .m2t; .m2ts; .mts; .m2v; .m4v; .ts; .ts1; .ts2; .avr; .mkv; .mod; .mov; .moov; .mpg; .mpeg; .tod; .mxf; .mp4; .mpv; .ogg; .ogm; .ogv; .qt; .rm; .swf; .vob; .webm; .wmv; *
284 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderGIF : .gif
284 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSVG : .svg
284 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSynthetic : .ksv
316 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerBasler - Basler Camera subsystem not available. System.TypeInitializationException: Der Typeninitialisierer für "PylonC.NET.Pylon" hat eine Ausnahme verursacht. ---> System.Exception: Environment variable PYLONC_ROOT not found. Install the pylon C Runtime.
   bei PylonC.NET.Bootstrapper.Initialize()
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon..cctor()
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
   bei PylonC.NET.Pylon.Initialize()
   bei Kinovea.Camera.Basler.CameraManagerBasler.SanityCheck()
316 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Basler camera manager failed sanity check.
331 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized DirectShow camera manager.
331 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized Camera simulator camera manager.
331 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized IP Camera camera manager.
385 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Building the modules tree.
616 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerKernel - Module Construction : ScreenManager.
632 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
632 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
663 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface.
685 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Modules tree built.
685 - DEBUG - [Main] - KinoveaMainWindow - Create main UI window.
701 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows).
717 - DEBUG - [Main] - LanguageManager - Using new Serbian culture codes. (i.e: sr-Cyrl-RS).
785 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Register global services offered at Root level.
785 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Setting current ui culture.
785 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Reload localized strings for the whole tree.
801 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Whole tree culture reloaded.
801 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Closing splash screen.
801 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Launching.
817 - ERROR - [Main] - RecoveryManager - Recovery data were found but the referenced file couldn't be found.
817 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Calling Application.Run() to boot up the UI.
848 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - In ScreenManager OnLoad
886 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
932 - DEBUG - [Main] - FileBrowserUserInterface - Application is idle in FileBrowserUserInterface.
1865 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: UI122xLE-C_4103063704 (moniker:@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{92ac0998-2f09-4676-853177ad878a62}).
1887 - DEBUG - [UI122xLE-C_4103063704 thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting UI122xLE-C_4103063704 for thumbnail.


Hope that postin the logs helps..
Cheers Martin