1) It would be advantageous to have the current playback framerate indicated beside the speed control on the playback windows.
2) Currently when the capture framerate is increased compared to the video framerate using Configure Video Settings..., the speed slider is rescaled to show the ratio of video framerate to capture framerate at the 1X, 100% midpoint. It would be more intuitive if the speed slider kept the same scaling of 0 to 200% and simply adjusted the slider position to show the ratio of video framerate to capture framerate. As an example, if your video framerate is set to 30 fps and your capture framerate is set to 60 fps, the playback window speed slider is currently re-scaled from 0 to 100% with the slider located at the midpoint 50% (where 1X or 100% normally would be located). I would rather have the scale remain at 0 to 200% and have the slider position located at 50%. This will ensure that playback speed is consistently represented by the ratio or playback framerate to capture framerate on a slider scale of 0 to 200%. Playback speed should be represented relative to the capture framerate (true time).
3) It would also be helpful to allow the user finer control of playback speeds on the playback windows. Perhaps by offering a text input box beside the slider that would allow the user to input an exact value from 0.000 to 200.000%. This would give users finer control of playback speeds to manually synchronize videos when comparing movements in two different videos.