Hi all,
I've buy a Mediacom Xpro 430 camera.
When I connect the camera to my Win 10 PC, I can use this camera as a "PC camera" and it work with Windows application (Skype or the native Foto app), but not work with Kinovea..

On Kinovea I see a new UVC Device, but the area is black.. Is not possible to use this device?



Which version of Kinovea? Can you try on 0.8.25?
When you go in the camera parameters from inside the capture screen, can you list the various image formats and pick a different one. I've noticed that sometimes the default parameter read doesn't correspond to a meaningful combination and black screen results. Picking a configuration among the exposed options usually fixes the issue.


Hi Joan,
thanks for the reply.
Im'using 0.8.25, I've set the camera at 1280x720 30fps, as the only settings available on the UVC camera on Kinovea.
When I open the camera preview, I see a screenshot of the Mediacom camera, but if I open the preview, the displayed image are black.

On the top I see the data for the signal: 29-30 fps and 79 MB/s..but the image is black.



Hi Joan,
I've foud a workaround..

With the SW YAWCAM (http://www.yawcam.com/), I can use my Mediacom SportCam as a PC Cam..

Just set on youcam the "Stream" option, then from Kinovea I can see the Cam as IP Cam.. :-)

This work!



I missed your previous message. It is interesting to know that the thumbnail works but not the video feed. The thumbnail uses a slightly simpler way to capture the image but it means it should be possible to make it work natively in Kinovea.

Could you send me the log file corresponding to trying to open the camera directly in Kinovea?


Hi Joan,
I've deleted the log, then open Kinovea and try to open the Mediacom PC Cam.

this is the log.txt


196 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
216 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - 2017-03-18 14:58:35
224 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Kinovea 0.8.25, x64.
224 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
224 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - .NET Framework 2.0.50727.8745
224 - INFO  - [Main] - Software - --------------------------------------------------
225 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Application level initialisations.
226 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Showing SplashScreen.
329 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Importing preferences.
452 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderBitmap : .jpg; .jpeg; .png; .bmp
455 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderFFMpeg : .3gp; .asf; .avi; .dv; .flv; .f4v; .m1v; .m2p; .m2t; .m2ts; .mts; .m2v; .m4v; .ts; .ts1; .ts2; .avr; .mkv; .mod; .mov; .moov; .mpg; .mpeg; .tod; .mxf; .mp4; .mpv; .ogg; .ogm; .ogv; .qt; .rm; .swf; .vob; .webm; .wmv; *
458 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderGIF : .gif
458 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSVG : .svg
458 - INFO  - [Main] - VideoTypeManager - Registering extensions for VideoReaderSynthetic : .ksv
513 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerBasler - Basler Camera subsystem not available. System.TypeInitializationException: L'inizializzatore di tipo di 'PylonC.NET.Pylon' ha generato un'eccezione. ---> System.Exception: Environment variable PYLONC_ROOT not found. Install the pylon C Runtime.
   in PylonC.NET.Bootstrapper.Initialize()
   in PylonC.NET.Pylon..cctor()
   --- Fine dell'analisi dello stack dell'eccezione interna ---
   in PylonC.NET.Pylon.Initialize()
   in Kinovea.Camera.Basler.CameraManagerBasler.SanityCheck()
513 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Basler camera manager failed sanity check.
517 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized DirectShow camera manager.
519 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized Camera simulator camera manager.
521 - INFO  - [Main] - CameraTypeManager - Initialized IP Camera camera manager.
617 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Building the modules tree.
1207 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerKernel - Module Construction : ScreenManager.
1235 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1244 - DEBUG - [Main] - ThumbnailViewerFiles - Constructing ThumbListView
1272 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - Constructing ScreenManagerUserInterface.
1321 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Modules tree built.
1322 - DEBUG - [Main] - KinoveaMainWindow - Create main UI window.
1341 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Plug sub modules at UI extension points (Menus, ToolBars, StatusBAr, Windows).
1428 - DEBUG - [Main] - LanguageManager - Using new Serbian culture codes. (i.e: sr-Cyrl-RS).
1595 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Register global services offered at Root level.
1596 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Setting current ui culture.
1599 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Reload localized strings for the whole tree.
1649 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - RefreshUICulture - Whole tree culture reloaded.
1649 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Closing splash screen.
1652 - DEBUG - [Main] - Program - Launching.
1656 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Calling Application.Run() to boot up the UI.
1756 - DEBUG - [Main] - ScreenManagerUserInterface - In ScreenManager OnLoad
1797 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.
1857 - DEBUG - [Main] - FileBrowserUserInterface - Application is idle in FileBrowserUserInterface.
2255 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
2256 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 2
2256 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
2257 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
2259 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
2293 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [603162] completed. Final position:[553337]
2306 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [1206324] completed. Final position:[1170907]
2321 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [1809486] completed. Final position:[1777949]
2333 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [2412648] completed. Final position:[2333417]
2336 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
2431 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
2431 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
2431 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
2431 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
2431 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
2436 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [21369] completed. Final position:[21224]
2438 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [42738] completed. Final position:[42619]
2441 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [64107] completed. Final position:[64042]
2443 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [85476] completed. Final position:[85472]
2444 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
2454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
2454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
2454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Anamorphic
2454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
2454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image size: Original:{Width=352, Height=288}, AspectRatioSize:{Width=352, Height=263}
2454 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
2457 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [15339938] completed. Final position:[15378207]
2459 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [30679876] completed. Final position:[30717807]
2461 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [46019814] completed. Final position:[46028607]
2463 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [61359752] completed. Final position:[61389807]
2464 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
2478 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Average Fps estimation method: libav.
2478 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Ticks per frame: 1
2478 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Display Aspect Ratio type: Square Pixels
2478 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Image aspect ratio: Auto
2478 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. NotInitialized -> OnDemand
2491 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [3633170] completed. Final position:[3603000]
2496 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [7266340] completed. Final position:[7114000]
2502 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [10899510] completed. Final position:[10864000]
2506 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Seeking to [14532680] completed. Final position:[14364000]
2507 - DEBUG - [5] - VideoReaderFFMpeg - Switching decoding mode. OnDemand -> NotInitialized
2770 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: Alax.Info JPEG Video Source (moniker:@device:sw:{860BB310-5D01-11D0-BD3B-00A0C911CE86}\{A8DA2ECB-DEF6-414D-8CE2-E651640DBA4F}-001).
2777 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD (moniker:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_04f2&pid_b446&mi_00#6&1ba1d4d1&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global).
2777 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerDirectShow - DirectShow device enumeration: UVC Camera (moniker:@device:pnp:\\?\usb#vid_1f3a&pid_100e&mi_00#6&2a762018&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global).
23788 - DEBUG - [Alax.Info JPEG Video Source thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting Alax.Info JPEG Video Source for thumbnail.
23809 - DEBUG - [TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting TOSHIBA Web Camera - HD for thumbnail.
23818 - DEBUG - [UVC Camera thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting UVC Camera for thumbnail.
23824 - DEBUG - [Main] - CameraManagerHTTP - Retrieve single image.
23877 - DEBUG - [IP Camera thumbnailer] - SnapshotRetriever - Starting IP Camera for thumbnail.
25217 - ERROR - [] - SnapshotRetriever - Error received trying to get a thumbnail for IP Camera
25218 - ERROR - [] - SnapshotRetriever - Impossibile effettuare la connessione al server remoto.
28218 - DEBUG - [Main] - CaptureScreen - Constructing a CaptureScreen.
28587 - DEBUG - [Main] - AutoSaver - Autosave cleared. - 1608776669
28587 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Metadata content hash reset:1608776669.
28589 - DEBUG - [Main] - Metadata - Constructing new Metadata object.
28631 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - The device has never been configured in Kinovea.
29003 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Starting frame pipeline.
29007 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer allocated.
29011 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline connected to producer and consumers.
29015 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Starting device UVC Camera.
39923 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Pipeline disconnected from producer and consumers.
39935 - DEBUG - [Main] - FramePipeline - Ring buffer torn down.
39936 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - Stopping device UVC Camera.
40063 - DEBUG - [Main] - FrameGrabber - UVC Camera stopped.
40904 - DEBUG - [Main] - RootKernel - Root is closing. Call close on all sub modules.
40906 - DEBUG - [Main] - PreferencesManager - Exporting preferences.


Hum. I should log more context when it fails, as it is there not much information to work with.

It appears that getting one frame on the default stream format is OK but the problem is that we can't get the details of this format. Kinovea needs these details to compute buffer sizes. There is a mechanism to cover for this case in the IP camera module.

I've set the camera at 1280x720 30fps, as the only settings available on the UVC camera on Kinovea

Are you saying the list of stream formats is empty? I'm interested in this list:



On the top I see the data for the signal: 29-30 fps and 79 MB/s

Ah, (1280*720*3*30)/(1024*1024) = 79.10 MB/s. So the camera is sending uncompressed RGB24.
I will review the issue that the first time we open the camera we get a black image and need to change the configuration. For cameras that have only one possible configuration it may cause a problem.


OK, I think I have a fix for the initial black screen on DirectShow cameras, and it could possibly fix the issue for this camera.

Can you help testing this? Let me know if I can use the email address you registered with on the forum or send me a mail at joan at kinovea dot org.


Hi Joan,
yes, I use the registration e-mail address and I'm happy to help you for the test.

write me an e-mail.



Mail sent.