Kinovea Analyses on Vimeo
We often may want to communicate the Kinovea analyses videos using Youtube, Vimeo or other video web hosts.
This issue probably involves Vimeo website processing and I have not asked them yet. I believe that Vimeo added single frame advance capability about 3 years ago.
I cannot now recall some details so I'm not asking for a fix. Asking generally, how can I document problems with Vimeo processed Kinovea analysis videos in the future?
I have uploaded some videos on Vimeo. The Kinovea analysis videos worked well on my computer. They were side-by-side videos, each video recorded at different frame rates, 240 & 30 fps often, with magnification boxes and millisecond countdown time displays. Very informative displays.
1) sometimes the magnification boxes appeared on Vimeo in different screen locations than in my computer video. In the wrong place, they blocked video and often obscured the labels, arrows etc that were on the screen.
I discarded the videos where the magnification box obscured something and am not now sure what might have been happening. It seems to work better lately but I worry about it.
Why would everything be in place but the magnification box?
Also, once a magnification box is introduced it stays throughout the video, start to finish. It would be a plus if they could be put in and removed for any ranges of frames.
2) often the Vimeo processed video would do single frame so that the faster video (say 240 fps) would advance 2 frames using the Vimeo process for single frame advance.
Vimeo single frame process - Hold down SHIFT KEY & use ARROW KEYS
This side-by-side video works well, magnification box is good, but the high speed video on the right advances 2 frame times each time the arrow is pressed. (8.4 milliseconds per Vimeo arrow press instead of 4.2 ms.) This video has very brief messages and is intended to stop on specific single frames when messages appear. Not a useful video for 30 fps playback.
I am so pleased with the great job that Kinovea does on these videos. That Vimeo video is so near perfect except it advances 2 frames on Vimeo for every one frame advance key press.
I believe that I had set the video speed properly to 240 fps when making the Kinovea analysis video.
Might it work better if I put the 240 fps video to the left? Probably a Vimeo processing or playback issue?
FYI - After years of suffering to advance one frame on Youtube, I just learned that Youtube single frame exists - you simply use the "." and "," keys!! Oh, that hurts!