Hello! After using version 0.8 in the past, I am now experimenting with version 0.9.4 (downloaded yesterday). I had several questions, but wanted to read the manual carefully before taking up people's time on the forum. However, when I go to the Help menu and click "Kinovea help F1", nothing happens. Is this expected, or could it be a bug? I know there is a manual for version 8 online, but I was wondering if I can find a draft manual for version 9 anywhere (I know the documentation isn't complete, but at least something to get started)?

I am also experiencing the same error with the path tracking configuration tool that was reported here on 2021-04-22: https://www.kinovea.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1015. I saw that Joan was able to reproduce and fix it. Does that mean that I should wait for version 0.9.5 for a corrected version? Or do I have to download something from GitHub? Or is the current 0.9.4 download corrected, and I should report a new bug?

Thank you very much in advance!

Philip Tan
Assistant Professor of Engineering
Messiah University
Grantham, Pennsylvania


Yes indeed there is a work-in-progress manual. It's almost done but still needs some polishing.
It currently lives here: https://www.kinovea.org/help/staging/

I would love to get more feedback on this, whether some topics are missing/too complicated, etc. 
The current downloadable version does not contain the fix for tracking, as soon as the manual is complete it will be integrated in the software and the next version will be published, sorry for the delay in the meantime.


Thank you very much! The manual answered almost all the questions I had. I found it to have the perfect level of detail and clarity.

I will also second a comment that another user made at the post below. It would be great to create angles or goniometers from path tracks that have already been established, given the power of the "Delete path after this point" function.


Thank you for all your work in developing this powerful software!
