
I would really love to try out this software, but after installation it won't start at all. Windows just ask if I want to send a report of the problem.

I have tried it on two different computers, one with Windows XP and one Windows 7.

Is there a solution for this problem?


Hello again.
I must do something wrong, i have tried my fathers computer as well. All the computers follow the requirements, but the program will not start. Is there something more I should do to get this program starting? I have downloaded the file, installed the program, and it starts to start up and than...nothing. Just shuts down and windows tells me the program would not start.

Please someone?


Which version are you using ? Is it 0.7.10, 0.8.* ? Is it an older one like 0.7.6 ?

When the problem occurs, you should be able to click a button to display the details of the error report.
Please post the paragraph that is under the line: ************** Exception Text **************.
This might help assessing what is going on.

Thanks for taking the time to report.


Hi. I have tried all the versions. I my computer i only get the error report: "the program stopped working, looking for solution tio the problem".
This is the report windows 7 send:

Sluttet å virke

?24.?10.?2009 12:32

Rapport sendt

Stopped working
Bane til programmet med feil:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kinovea\Kinovea.exe

Problemhendelsesnavn:    CLR20r3
Problemsignatur 01:    kinovea.exe
Problemsignatur 02:
Problemsignatur 03:    4919bbbf
Problemsignatur 04:    mscorlib
Problemsignatur 05:
Problemsignatur 06:    4a275af7
Problemsignatur 07:    27c0
Problemsignatur 08:    2e2
Problemsignatur 09:    System.ArgumentException
OS-versjon:    6.1.7600.
ID for nasjonal innstilling:    1044

Ekstra informasjon om problemet
Bucket-ID:    787036608


Thanks for the report.
I have added code to log this type of exceptions in a separate file, so they are easier to debug.
As soon as the version 0.8.2 is out (should be next week), I would like you to install it and send me back this file.
I'll make a specific thread to better explain what to do in case of such crash to ease the debug process.


Where do I find the log file you mention?


Hi, please check the new pinned topic what to do in case of a crash and let me know if it's clear enough.
(The instructions are valid for 0.8.2 only.)

Basically from "Help > Open log folder"

Ok, obviously I haven't thought this through lol

You will find it under the following location in XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Kinovea

And under Vista or 7:
C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Kinovea



I'm getting the same problems trying to run Ver. 0.7.10 : It won't start, just wants me to send an error report to "you know who".

I've also noticed a couple of other problems:
1. I don't get an Icon on my desktop after installation, even though I opted for that (or didn't check the "no icon" box).
2. I've gotten a message saying that the installationfile wasn't completely downloaded. This has happened from both download locations. After trying 3 times the download worked, but still won't start.

Does location have anything to do with it?

Maybe not too much help, but it might spark an idea for a solution.

I'll be following the tread for a possible solution.



Hi. I can't find the log. There is no C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Kinovea

I find C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\ but there is no \Roaming\Kinovea



Just an update.
I tried the latest ver. also (0.8.2) and got the same problems.
No Icon and it starts the suddenly gives me an error report.

I'm on a regular XP machine so it should run according to your specs.



The \Roaming folder is a system folder, it is not created by Kinovea and should exist on your machine.
However it may be hidden.
I don't have a machine at hand to give you the exact steps, but you might need to change the options of the Windows Explorer so it displays hidden folders. See this article.

Yes, the icon on desktop was removed at some point. If I remember correctly it was to follow some user experience guidelines from Microsoft. Maybe it should be reinstated.

Can you access the application data folder where the "unhandled crash" log live ?
I think that if the archive is corrupted somehow, it wouldn't install, so if it installed correctly, it should run unless there is another bug. In this case the "unhandled crash" log should have more data about it.


Hi again, I found the log files and mailed them to you now. Thank you.


Thank you, I'll investigate this. (and learning a few things about Bokmål along the way.)
Hopefully I can find the issue without installing a Norvegian system wink



I would post it if I could, but all kinds of searches hasn't given me an answer. I just can't find the log. It's not in the application folder.
By the way I'm also in Norway... could that be an issue you think? That we somehow loose data during download?

If you should need any kind of translation just let me know smile



There was an issue with the way the program was translating from the culture name ("en-US", "fr-CA", "pt-BR", etc.) to the internal representation of the language used for the interface, which is close to the neutral name ("en", "fr", "pt").
Norvegian is a special case ("nb-NO" -> "no", not "nb" tongue) and the initialization failed.

The bottom line is that I found the issue and it should be corrected in next version.
I'm very grateful that you reported this because I think it was preventing virtually everyone with Norvegian locale to use the software ! yikes

This does not explain issues with the download however.
I'll look into the server's stats tomorow to see if I can detect something wrong.