I'm using kinovea, but always playing previously recorded videos with a Gopro. I want to start doing analysis with simultaneous playback.
Could you recommend me a video capture card compatible with Kinovea to connect the Gopro hdmi port to the computer usb and reproduces at least 60fps videos. Thanks.


I haven't tried this in a while, I'll grab a couple of the new USB 3.0 ones to see if they work as expected. I have an old USB 2.0 one, it can stream the gopro at 1280x720@30fps.


I tested one capture card today. The card is recognized and exposes MJPEG 1920x1080@60fps. Streaming from the GoPro works, HOWEVER, the resulting video is a false 60 fps, it's really 30 fps with every other frame duplicated.

I investigated a little and it looks like it's actually the GoPro that is producing this fake 60 fps stream over HDMI. Other people have had the same problem. It's not related to the capture card.

According to this video, there is a way to get a proper 60 fps output by simultaneously recording on the device. This apparently only works for GoPro 8 and newer models, mine is a GoPro 7 so I can't test this.


Thanks for your recommendation.