Good evening, I found a way to start Kinovea on Linux via Bottles, hoping that sooner or later the actual porting will happen.

The screens are made on my Italian version of Bottles, but it shouldn't be a problem

- First download Bottles, and the Kinovea installer .exe

- Open Bottles and click on the "Create a new bottle" button and set the following parameters:

Name: "Kinovea"
Ambience: "Custom"
Runner: "soda 8.0-2"


- Select "Run executable" and insert the Kinovea installer, proceed normally with the installation of the program
- At this point, click on "Run executable" again but this time select the executable that opens the program.
By clicking on the play button it still shouldn't be executable.

- Now, in the "Dependencies" item, go and select and download the "dotnet 4.8" item, it may take a few minutes


- Now, once you return to the main screen of the bottle, click on the "Play" button of the executable and the program should work without problems.


I'm no expert, so I don't know if there are other mechanisms that make it work just for me.
I hope no one finds it difficult.

Good Video Analysis everyone.


Very cool!


Awesome! It work.

4 (edited by mStirling 2024-09-15 15:13:27)


I am really interested in using Kinovea for my university dissertation work this year, but I am having trouble installing and running on my laptop. I run Crostini based Linux on my Chromebook.
Can someone help me with the installation process? I have followed the steps provided here as well as gone down other paths but to no avail.


My Chromebook runs on 32 bit... Is that a dealbreaker? (I fear it is)


mStirling wrote:

My Chromebook runs on 32 bit... Is that a dealbreaker? (I fear it is)

The last 32-bit version is 0.8.27, you can get it in the download page.


Oh great, thanks.

I'm still having trouble downloading bottles in the first place, is there an alternative?