I am trying to set up my Kinovea to record my golf swing on an audible trigger automatically.  I followed these instructions, but it is still not working.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zOI11A … MBacU/view

I have an external microphone (a high-quality Yeti podcast microphone). The software recognizes the microphone. The bar moves, indicating it recognizes sound. But Knovea is not doing the automatic recording. I can manually record, but not the automatic recording on an audible trigger.

Any suggestions?


Hi, these instructions are for an older version, there is an additional "arming" mechanism now that's preventing unwanted recordings, and it's disarmed by default (this may change in the future but for now it's like this). In the toolbar at the bottom of the screen there is a speaker icon that you need to toggle. Once you toggle it to "armed" it should work. You need to do this once at the beginning of the session.