I am having some trouble with the audio trigger function with my golf simulator.
Computer to golf ball area is about 20ft so to get away from more wires laying, I decided to try a wireless mic setup. Will test good talking into it but I found that even laying it by ball it just doesn't want to pickup the sound. I have to adjust it down to 1 on sensitivity to work and even then it doesn't catch it alot.
I then purchased a cheap usb mic thinking maybe the wireless delay is the issue. I couldn't get it to pickup the impact sound at all. Only talking.
Back to wireless I went but it's so sporadic it doesn't work good. Seems if I go into settings to test sound and then re save it'll work better for a few times and then won't pickup again. Very weird.
I'm looking for help. I need something reliable to pickup audio trigger. What am I doing wrong?