I clicked on the download link from this page: http://www.kinovea.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?id=165 and installed the application, but it's not in English. Not sure the language, but I'm guessing it's Finnish since you speak of that language also being available.
Is there another place I should be downloading this software from?
There is only one version, it has all the languages packed in.
The program first tries to detect if your system language is supported. If not, it should fall back to English.
However there might have been a bug that would make it fall back to French instead.
- Could you write here what the first menu is ("Fichier", "Tiedosto", something else ?)
- To change language, go to the second menu starting from the right, then first submenu.
Are you on an English Windows ?
"Fichier" is the 1st menu. Yes, I am on an English Windows machine.
I was able to change to English through the Options menu as you suggested.
Ok, thanks. That corresponds to the bug I was mentionning. The French locale was loaded by default instead of relying on system's.
This should be fixed in the next version.
Sorry about that... Finnish might have looked a bit complicated...:)