I am a competitive Olympic weightlifter and a Level 2 Olympic weightlifting coach with the USAW. One thing that we study on our elite and mid-level weightlifters is the bar trajectory. Until this software came along, I was drawing it by hand using a grid system. Otherwise, I needed to use Dartfish which would have cost me over $1,000! I have uploaded my bar trajectory to Youtube and linked it below. The yellow path gives me a ton of information about that lift and this software made it incredibly easy to do.
One thing I would like to see added is the ability to calculate trajectory distances between 2 key frames. I have done it in other software. Since I use a tripod set perpendicular to the lifter, setting a scale is pretty easy, just calibrate the distance scale to the weight plate. Weight plates in our sport are a standard 450mm. Since the camera is stable and the bar is moving only vertically during the lift, accurate readings would be the norm. It would really help the weightlifting coach to know the speed (which varies greatly during different phases of the lift) of the bar as it travels through the trajectory.
Thanks for the software! I will be using it a lot.