1 (edited by joan 2013-10-27 17:15:44)

Experimental version feedback needed ! wink
Beware of regressions and report anything suspicious. Do not assume the issue is known.

Installer: link removed. Check 0.8.21

Plane calibration.
The most important addition in this version is the ability to use the perspective grid as a coordinate system.
(To get to the perspective grid you need to do a long click on the regular grid button).

Once the grid corners are in place, right click the grid and choose "Calibrate". This will get you to a dialog where you can specify the actual physical dimensions of the grid.
The grid must map a rectangle on a physical plane (ground, wall, etc.)

Once this calibration is in place, every measure will be in the context of this plane. (distances, angles, speeds.)


As a bonus, the grid is now also trackable, and the ability to change the number of divisions is back in the configuration dialog.

- The Russian locale has been integrated, thanks to Andrey Pomerantsev.
- The other minor tweaks and fixes can be found in the raw changelog.


The next experimental version(s) should be dedicated to updating/upgrading the capture features.


smile thanks Joan, will get stuck in next week.


I just posted a more in depth article about measuring angles on the perspective grid.

5 (edited by ph.podo 2013-09-05 22:39:04)

bonsoir joan
quand sera t il possible de faire impression de capture d ecran via un bouton?
de plus serait il possible de faire recherche dans la base de données par boite de dialogue sans faire defiler tous les fichiers
je suis podo et en tant qu utilisateur depuis 4 ans je commence a avoir bcp de fichiers
ton beaufrere  doit connaitre lui aussi le probleme si je ne m abuse
merci de me repondre


in ver 8.20 when I try to track the point tool, the tracking box does not appear and the trace line does not happen.  The marker does track the point correctly but it does not leave a line trace behind for visualizing the path.


dynacyclepei wrote:

in ver 8.20 when I try to track the point tool, the tracking box does not appear and the trace line does not happen.  The marker does track the point correctly but it does not leave a line trace behind for visualizing the path.

Yes. The point tool (cross marker) is now using the same tracking system as the other tools. To get back the trajectory tool you need to directly right click the object you want to track and choose "Track path". Do not add the cross marker.