Importing external data¶
In addition to importing annotations created in Kinovea you may import annotations created in other software.
Two external formats are supported: SRT subtitles and OpenPose body poses.
SRT SubRip Text subtitles¶
SRT is a simple subtitle file format containing a series of subtitles and the corresponding start and end timestamps.
To load an SRT subtitle on top of a video in Kinovea, use the menu
and point to the SRT file.A label object will be created for each subtitle block with its visibility set up according to the timestamps for the subtitle.
OpenPose is a software that detects human body poses in images.
To learn more about OpenPose check the project page:
The result of running the OpenPose program on a video is a set of JSON files containing data for one or more human postures. OpenPose uses a 25-point body model.
This is not meant to be used for measurements but for general posture assessment.
The workflow to import OpenPose data into Kinovea is the following:
Run the OpenPose software on the video, using the write_json option. This creates a set of .json files in the output directory. Each file contains descriptors for the detected poses.
> bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --video examples\media\video.avi --write_json output/
In Kinovea, use the menu
and point to the first JSON file of the series.Each detected human pose will be converted to a human model drawing using a dedicated model.