Exporting data to spreadsheet

You can export various numerical data using the menus under File > Export to Spreadsheet…
A sample file can be accessed here (format XHTML): sample export.

1. Data exported

The following table lists the various information exported and their support depending on the selected format:

Data type \ Format OpenDocumentMicrosoft Excel xmlXHTMLSimple text
Key images (time and title)
Lines (length)
Angles (value)
Cross markers (coordinates)
Path tracking trajectories
Stopwatches (duration)

2. OpenDocument (ODF)

The OpenDocument format is an ISO standard supported in several office suites, including OpenOffice, Google Docs and Microsoft Office in the most recent versions.

3. Microsoft Excel XML

Kinovea can export to an XML dialect that will be understood as a spreadsheet document by Microsoft Excel.
This format is an ancestor to the Office Open XML that has later been introduced in Microsoft Office 2007.
Files exported in this format will be compatible with Microsoft Office XP and more recent versions.


The XHTML export option is designed as a fallback in case your spreadsheet application is not compatible with OpenDocument or MS Excel XML.
You can open the XHTML document in a web browser and copy the table.

5. Simple text

The simple text export option is primarily designed to provide an intermediate file that will be consumed by a custom tool.
The exported text data file is a valid input to the Open Source plotting tool gnuplot.

To plot the trajectory data on a 3D graph with time as the third dimensions, use the following commands:

(Optional set up)
gnuplot> set xlabel "Time"
gnuplot> set ylabel "X-AXIS"
gnuplot> set zlabel "Y-AXIS"
gnuplot> set ticslevel 0

gnuplot> splot "weightlift.txt" using 1:2:3 with lines

(replace weightlift.txt by the file name of your exported data.)

Using gnuplot to visualize trajectory data along the time axis.

The time representation should be numeric (e.g: frame number or total milliseconds)

See also: